The conference “Interaction of Radiation with a Solids” (IRS-2019) has been held in Belarus since 1995 and had attracted the attention of participants from 22 countries of the world.
Started as an initiative of the Physics Faculty of Belarusian State University once in 2 years the conference initiated close international collaboration between scientific centers of Belarus, Russia, Germany, Poland and Lithuania that work on problems of interaction of charged particles beams with materials.
The latest achievements in the field of different types of radiation (neutrons, photons, ions, electrons, plasma) impact on solids and condensed matter are discussed at the conference. Great attention is paid to combined processes such as ion-assisted laser-magnetron deposition, electron-ion-plasma treatment. Problems of nuclear engineering in materials science including applications of radiation for materials analysis, synthesis of radiation-resistant materials are topical conference discussion points.
Besides the plenary and section report the conference also includes the competition of reports of young scientists.